12월 14일 영자신문으로 공부하기 (코로나 일일 확진자 3단계 격상 논의, 코로나로 인한 편의점의 발전)
<The Korea Times> Dec. 14, 2020
Level 3 measures loom as daily cases break 1,000 mark (일일 확진자 1,000명을 돌파하면서 3단계 조정할지도)
President stresses virus spread must be curbed in now
Health authorities said they are open to adopting Level 3 social distancing measures, the highest among its five-tier scheme, as the number of new COVID-19 cases has broken through the 1,000 mark. President Moon Jae-in also called for strong action to curb the spread, saying the country needs to consider elevating to the highest social distancing level. As the daily virus case hit an all-time high, the President presided over an emergency anti-coronavirus meeting instead of Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun, showing the government was watching the recent spike in virus cases seriously. 코로나 일일 신규 확진자수가 1,000명을 돌파하면서 보건당국은 사회적 거리두기 5단계 중 가장 높은 3단계로 격상할 수 있다고 밝혔다. 문재인 대통령 또한 확산을 억제하기 위한 강력한 조치가 필요하다며 가장 높은 단계의 사회적 거리두기 수준으로 상승하는 것이 필요할 수 있다고 말했다. 바이러스 확진자수가 역대 최고치를 기록함에 따라 문재인 대통령은 정세균 총리 대신 코로나 긴급 회의를 직접 주최하며 정부가 최근의 심각한 바이러스 확산을 주의하고 있다는 것을 보여주었다.
The highest level would stop almost all daily activities of citizens, but health experts say the nation should have already adopted this last resort. It is the first time for the country to break the 1,000 mark for the daily new virus cases since the country reported its first COVID-19 patient in January. 최고 수준의 거리두기 방안은 사실상 모든 사회적 활동을 중단시키는데 보건 전문가들은 국가가 진작에 이 최후의 수단을 채택했어야 했다고 말한다. 지난 1월에 국내에서 코로나 19 확진자가 발생한 이후, 일일 신규확진자 수가 1,000명을 넘은 것은 이번이 처음이다.
Epidemiologists said that if this continues, 1,500 to 2,000 daily new cases can be confirmed this week, and emphasized that in order to prevent the country's medical system from collapsing, the government should not only raise the social distancing level but also take intensive measures such as local governments conducting preemptive full-scale diagnostic tests on all citizens. 전염병 전문가들은 만약 지금의 추세가 계속 된다면 이번 주 안에만 일일 확진자가 1,500명에서 2,000명에 달할 것이며 국내 의료체계가 붕괴되는 것을 막기 위해 정부가 사회적 거리두기 레벨을 격상하는 것 뿐만 아니라 전국민을 대상으로 예방 차원의 진단 테스트를 시행하는 등 강력한 조치를 취해야 한다고 강조하고 있다.
오늘의 단어
- stress : 강조하다. 역설하다. (=emphasize)
- all-the high : 사상 최고치
- preside : (회의 등을) 주도(주재)하다. 주관하다.
- last resort : 최후의 수단.
- Epidemiologist : 전염병 학자
- preemptive : 선제의, 예방의
Evolution of convenience stores (편의점의 발전)
The popularity of convenience stores had been growing fast but the outbreak of COVID-19 boosted this. (편의점의 인기가 빠르게 증가하고 있으며 코로나 19의 확산이 가속화 시켰다)
It has not been that long since convenience stores were seen as a crucial part of people's everyday lives here. In the past, customers would mainly visit them to buy snacks or daily necessities late at night. However, local convenience stores have evolved in many ways more recently.
Offering private brand (PB) products such as instant noodles and lunch boxes started to give people a reason to return to shop for these. Launching a home delivery service also made convenience stores indispensable in people's lives amid the growing popularity of secondhand item trading online. The country's largest convenience store brand GS25 further launched a "non-stop" delivery service with local IT giant Naver, allowing customers to arrange and pay for the service online. Previously, people had to visit the stores to hand over the parcel and pay the fee on site.
COVID-19 effects : The popularity of convenience stores had been growing fast but the outbreak of COVID-19 boosted this. The government imposed strict social distancing regulations urging people to stay home and shun places where large crowds gathered. Convenience stores instantly started delivery service for their own products.
Robot delivery service : GS25 has recently started a delivery service by robot at the LG Science Park building in Gangseo District, Seoul. A robot named "Dillio" will carry maximum 15 kilograms of items and make deliveries to three destinations at once. Customers have to place their order through Kakao Talk, the country's most used mobile messenger application, and they have to input a password so only they can open the container in the robot body.
Drive-thru service for convenience stores : CU will offer a drive-thru service starting Thursday at 500 stores in the capital and metropolitan area. Customers can place orders on the Owin app and receive their items in their car.
오늘의 단어
- Evolutioin : 진화, 발전 (evolve : 발전하다.)
- indispensable : 없어서는 안 될, 필수적인 (=essential)
- secondhand : 중고의, 고물의
- shun : 피하다 (=avoid)