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12월 9일 영자신문으로 공부하기 (영국 코로나 백신 세계 첫 접종, 국내 백신 도입 계획, 조두순 출소를 앞두고 고심하는 당국)

aroha.monica 2020. 12. 9. 11:39

<The Korea Times> Dec. 9, 2020


UK Starts COVID-19 Vaccination (영국이 코로나 19 백신 접종을 시작하다)

Margaret Keenan, 90, becomes the first patient in the U.K. to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, which is administered by a nurse at University Hospital, England, Tuesday. The United Kingdom, one of the countries hardest hit by the coronavirus, is beginning its vaccination campaign, a key step toward eventually ending the pandemic.

90세 마가렛 케넌이 지난 화요일, 영국 대학병원에서 화이자-바이오엔테크의 코로나19 백신을 맞은 첫 환자가 되었다. 영국은 코로나 바이러스의 타격을 가장 크게 맞은 나라 중 하나로 궁극적으로 판데믹을 종식시키기 위한 핵심 단계인 백신 접종 캠페인을 시작했다. 


Experts skeptical on the vaccine procurement plan  (정부의 백신 구매 계획에 회의적인 전문가들)

Gov't secures vaccines for 44 million people (정부가 4,400만 명 분의 백신을 확보하다)

Health experts have shown skepticism over the government's "belated" COVID-19 vaccine procurement plans, saying that the pre-purchased supply may be insufficient to form herd immunity. The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced Tuesday that it had secured enough supply of coronavirus vaccines for approximately 44 million people or roughly 85 percent of the population.  보건 전문가들은 정부의 코로나 19 백신 구매 계획과 관련하여 선구매된 물량은 집단 면역을 형성하기에는 부족할 것이라며 회의적인 반응을 보였다. 보건복지부는 지난 화요일, 정부가 대략 인구의 85퍼센트 혹인 인구 4,400만 명 분의 코로나 바이러스 백신을 확보했다고 발표했다. 

It has obtained 64 million doses available for 34 million people through separate contracts with four pharmaceutical companies - 20 million doses each from AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna - requiring two doses per person - and 4 million doses from Janssen.   정부는 아스트라제네카, 화이자와 모더나로부터 각각 2,000만 분량 (1인당 2회 용량 필요) 및 400만 개 용량을 얀센과 같은 제약회사들과 별도 계약을 통해 3,400만 명에게 제공할 수 있는 6,400만 개의 용량을 확보했다. 

The ministry has already signed a deal with AstraZeneca, and legally binding agreements with the other three companies, with which it will soon sign contracts. The pre-purchased vaccines are expected to be gradually delivered - with the first doses from AstraZeneca - from February 2021.    관련당국은 이미 아스트라제네카와 계약을 한 상태이며 다른 3개 사와도 법적 효력이 있는 계약을 체결할 예정이다. 선구매된 백신은 아스트라제네카를 시작으로 2021년 2월부터 점진적으로 배송될 예정이다. 

"We will acquire more vaccines than our earlier goal, which aimed for 60 percent of the population. With the vaccines and domestic treatments that will be commercialized early next year, we hope to establish a stronger antivirus model," Health Minister Park Neung-hoo said.   "우리가 처음 목표한 양보다 더 많은, 인구의 60퍼센트 가량의 백신을 확보할 것입니다. 백신과 국내 치료제는 내년 초부터 상업화될 것이며 강력한 백신 모델을 구축할 수 있기를 희망하고 있습니다." 박능후 보건부 장관이 말했다. 

Health experts, however, were skeptical about the procurement plans. They say Korea is only falling behind in the global COVID-19 vaccine race.  Chun Eun-mi, a pulmonologist at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital expressed concerns that vaccinating 44 million people would not be enough to form herd immunity, considering the differing efficacy rate of vaccines from each company.    그러나, 보건 전문의들은 해당 조달 정책에 회의적이다. 그들은 한국이 글로벌 코로나19 백신 레이스에서 뒤쳐지고 있다고 말했다. 목동이대병원 천은미 호흡기내과의는 각 회사의 백신마다 효능이 다르기 때문에 4,400만 명의 사람들을 접종하는 것 만으로는 집단 면역을 형성하기에 부족할 것이라며 우려를 표했다.    

"There are important issues to be resolved such as cold chain logistics and storage problems. We must also consider how to decide who will get which shots from which manufacturer, as they differ in efficacy rates," Kim Woo-joo, an infection disease professor said.   "또한 냉장 물류 및 보관 등의 다른 중요한 문제들도 남아있습니다.  누가 어떤 제조업체의 어떤 주사를 먼저 받을지 등에 대한 결정도 해야 합니다. 효능이 다 다르기 때문입니다." 라며 감염병 전문 김우주 교수가 말했다. 

오늘의 단어

  • skepticism : 의심, 회의, 회의론
  • procurement : 조달, 입수  (procure : (어렵게) 구하다, 입수하다)
  • herd immunity : 집단면역  (herd : (짐승) 떼, 무리 / 사람들, 대중)
  • legally binding : 법적 구속력이 있는
  • pulmonologist : 호흡기 내과
  • differing : 상이한 (differ : 다르다, 상이하다)



Authorities grapple with release of child rapist

Ahead of the scheduled release of notorious child rapist Cho Doo-soon, the judicial authorities are facing compounded problems - protecting the public from further violent crimes, relieving the anxiety of residents in the region where Cho plans to live, and protecting the pedophile rapist from vigilante justice as some angry members of the public have pledged to "punish him personally" upon his release.

Cho, 68, is scheduled to be released from prison in Cheong-song, North Gyeongsang Province, Saturday, after serving out a 12 years sentence for kidnapping and violently raping an eight-year-old girl while she was on her way to school in Ansan, Gyeonggi Province. The victim was left with severe injuries resulting in permanent internal damage. 

It is easy to find online posts or YouTube videos of people announcing their plan to wait in front of the prison gate or visit his home in Ansan to personally level street justice on Cho. Their reasons are based on the widely agreed criticism that the 12-year sentence was far too lenient considering the injuries the girl has to bear for the rest of her life.  At the time the court cited "mental and physical weakness under the influence of alcohol" in reducing Cho's prison term from 15 years to 12. 

The city government of Ansan, where Cho resided and will return, and the police are taking measures to protect residents there as it has been said Cho is highly likely to reoffend. The local government said it has strengthened patrols around Cho's house, set up guard posts and installed surveillance cameras prior to his release, and will install more.

Upon his release, Cho will be closely monitored 24 hours a day by a dedicated probation officer. He will be tracked at all times through a GPS-enabled electronic anklet for the next seven years as required by law.

오늘의 단어

  • grapple : (해결책을 찾아) 고심하다, 해치우려고 노력하다. 
  • notorious : 악명 높은 (=infamous)
  • judical : 사법의 (judical authorities : 사법당국)
  • compounded : 복잡한, 복합적인 (compound: 화합물, 혼합물 / 합성의 / ~로 구성되다.)
  • pedophile : 소아성애자
  • vigilante : 자경단의 단원
  • pledge : 약속하다, 맹세하다. (=vow)
  • serve out : 다 채우다. 복역하다. (serve out one's sentence : 징역을 살다)
  • lenient : 관대한, 너그러운 (=merciful)
  • prison term : 형기 (=jail term)
  • reoffend : 다시 범죄를 저지르다. 
  • surveillance : 감시 (=observation)
  • probation : 보호관찰 / 수습(기간)



No. of multiracial households steadily increase

The number of two-person and three-person multiracial households have been on a steady rise over the past few years, contrasted by a decline in the number of single-person households and households with four members or more. Overall, the number of multiracial families is climbing.

The statistics agency said that this can be attributed to an increase in the number of divorces and separation of family members and children leaving after reaching a certain age for reasons including education and marriage. 

"A change in the makeup of families with multiracial backgrounds can result from the divorce of parents," Sul Dong-hoon, a professor of sociology at Chonbuk National University said. "In that case, children live with either of the parents with custody, and the other lives alone. In other cases, children can leave for a couple of years to go to a university far from home," he added.

오늘의 단어

  • multiracial : 다민족의, 복합인종의
  • household : 가정
  • be on the steady rise : 꾸준히 오르다. 
  • contrasted by : ~와 대조되어 
  • be attributed to : ~에 기인하다. ~덕분이다. (attribute : ~탓으로 하다.)
  • makeup : 구조, 구성 
  • custody : 양육권